Sunday, March 9, 2014


Chapter 25 started with nationalism, but got carried away into what we call imperialism. Countries began stretching out and grabbing more land to make themselves more powerful. unfortunately Africa and china became the prey. Christianity, Commerce, and civilization fueled their drive for land. many continents like Africa have great natural resources such as rubber that could bring great economic wealth to the country. Thus, people like King Leopard of Belgium did not hesitate to take advantage of this, forcing the native to cultivate the rubber and give it to Belgium for their profits. As a country begins taking charge of another country for their resources we see westernization take place as they industrialize their surroundings by installing railroads and converting the natives to western morals and religion, imperialists see it as "the white man's burden". The white man is giving his time to convert and change the natives, and consequentially the natives should be very thankful for this. rebellion or disrespect towards the white man will only lead to the further destruction of their culture and themselves. My goal in this blog is to give you a better understanding of what imperialism is. When one thinks of nationalism, the US is the first to come to mind. For the longest time, and still today we see Americans being nationalistic and patriotic. They believe the US is superior in military and all and that it is the best country to live in, but did the USA partake in imperialism? Yes, they did but not as strongly as European countries did. The United States took over the Philippines and Hawaii in the late 1800's, not for the resources they offered but for military bases and for the access to their ports for trade.

This political cartoon from the Philadelphia Press is depicting the United States growth and strength. The author wanted to demonstrate that the bald eagle, the United States patriotic symbol hovers over half of the world showing its power over the territory it has gingered. I think it shows how the US from one tip, touches Hawaii and on the other tip the Philippines, thus showing the US national strength. It could be a comparison to the British empire's "the sun never sets" meaning wherever the sun shines it is on a bit of the British empire.

In this cartoon it portrays the US taking possession of the Philippines. The author tried a depict its obvious meaning, Uncle Sam is opening opening up the doors which is a symbol for the ports in the Philippines to the other corners of the world so the US may trade out oft he Philippino ports.

Reasons why the US went into Iraq are arguable, some think it was for the oil they had others to stop Saddam's rule. This artist agrees with the argument that the United States’ personal interests about oil was the reason for the war. President George W. Bush above is listing the US's hopes through the war with Iraq, but the artist capitalizes the term “oil” hidden within each statement, drawing attention to the "oil" in every sentence. Thus saying from a personal standpoint that oil is the underlying reason. 

I believe the US has been imperialistic, but not as much as they could have been. They took over the Philippines for their sea ports to improve US trade with the rest of the world, but they did not act as other countries did during the imperialist period. Slavery was not implemented. They also took Hawaii to further aid the military and create more military bases improving their growth. Although, the US did take Texas, it was gained through war.  They made contracts with the implemented countries for most of their purchases, "they were not land grabbers".

The Spanish American War that occurred in 1895 between the Spanish and the Americans. The conflict began with Cuba wanting it's independence from Spain. The conflict was presented tot he american public igniting pity for Cuba. When Spain told Cuba they would only receive a small amount of political self government, the US disagreed, and so shortly Spain declared war on the US. In end result, the US gained the territory in the western Pacific and Latin America.

The Open Door Policy implemented by John Hay, US Secretary of State, to keep china's ports open for trade as long as no country would take over. the idea was that all countries would have equal access to China's ports without infringing on their country. European countries would be able to export china's resources while protecting china with equal privileges on the profits. China would collect trade taxes from the resources being exported.

The Maji Maji uprising took place in the German east of Africa. between 1905-1907 the revolt took place. it first began with the Matubi people, lead by the prophet Kinjikitile Ngwale. the rebellion was towards colonial government and subsidiaries. Africans were tired of submitting to German rule and paying taxes. Soon enough the word got out and a secret mass movement began. it swept the continent. Germany quickly realized the size of the rebellion, fighting would make no progress but anger them more. therefore Germans seized their food and destroyed their crops. Most of the people surrendered because they needed food. Although the dedicated rebels continued fighting. Guerrilla warfare was then implied, but only to bring them defeat. Germans had superior artillery. Thus, the natives learned to fear power and strength.


A man in uniform watched a pro-Russia demonstration on Saturday in a central square in Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, next to a statue of Vladimir Lenin. CreditUriel Sinai for The New York Times
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Even as Russia and Ukraine signaled a modest willingness to seek a diplomatic resolution to the widening crisis over Crimea on Saturday, there were new reports of Russian reinforcements there, and Russia raised the possibility of suspending inspections required under arms control treaties because of stepped-up operations by NATO.
“We are ready to continue a dialogue on the understanding that a dialogue should be honest and partnerlike, without attempts to portray us as one of the parties in the conflict,” Russia’s foreign minister, Sergey V. Lavrov, said during an appearance with his counterpart from Tajikistan.

Hours after he spoke, however, Russia began moving new troops in unmarked uniforms in large trucks around Crimea, and a Ukrainian defense spokesman there said that witnesses had reported seeing amphibious military ships unloading about 200 military vehicles in eastern Crimea on Friday night after apparently having crossed the Strait of Kerch, which separates Crimea from Russian territory.

This article is from a recent date, it includes Russia president Putin that is passively trying to invade Crimea Ukraine. Putin recently turned off Ukraine's supply of oil coming from Russia, therefore creating uprisings. Russia's power over Europe is superior to other allowing them to do whatever they want. Although neighboring countries such as Ukraine and its partnerships do not agree with his actions, Putin sees to disregard them all. We must stay tunes for more information, to know how this plays out.

The Suez Canal is an artificial waterway in Egypt. It is owned and maintained by the Suez Canal Authority. The Suez Canal is a great factor in world trade reducing transit time for worldwide shipping. It also traffics 8% of the worlds trade. Approximately 50 ships a day pass through the canal.

Throughout this chapter I learned the difference between nationalism and how imperialism spread from it. I also learned the impact one country could make while dominating fr economical reasons. A country's native cultures can be easily destroyed by colonization. Laws are then emplaced to provide equality and peace between nations. But most important of all, a country's leader can pave its path to success or destruction.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Romatism and anti-Enlightenment ideas, that is what chapter 22 speaks about. After the Napoleonic wars Europe was in search of a balance of power, equal for all. Shortly after the ideas of libersim and nationalism came into play. French utopian then submerged with he idea of socialism, which a strong government would take over in the favor of the people and control all their well beings. The people soon started believing in romantism, a belief of emotional exuberance, unrestrained imagination, in both art and personal life. Why did society begin trying to identify and differentiate themselves as socialism was taken place? I believe that as the government was taking over, taking charge or their property and life, a rebellion of such sort, was to create something the government could not take, their imagination. The government could never take their minds.
 Louis Philippe, "the Citizen King", first promised to help the financial problems many poor urban workers were experiencing. Louis Philippe was Frances last King, until Louis napoleon is elected as president and turns into an emperor by the votes of the people, promising them unrealistic things. Louis Philippe's end of reign let tot he bloody June days. Revolts by the urban workers about their incomes was the source of the revolts.
Napoleón III, 1865.jpg Louis napoleon, as was mentioned above reigned after King Louis Philippe. Elected into office by direct popular vote after the June days, by the second republic, he was shortly trouble. he created the coup d'état after being declined for a second term. On his uncles coronation anniversary he too became emperor of France. He encouraged the French banking system and idea of savings and investments and financed railways to be built to modernized France.
Karl Marx 001.jpg Karl Marx, from Germany, united sociology, and economics. He argued that the middle classes interest and those of the working industrial class were practically opposites to each other, because of the idea that one class has always exploited another. He split the middle class into two, the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat.  He published multiple books trying to spread his ideas such as The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.
Andrew Jackson Daguerrotype-crop.jpg In the United States of America at this time, President Andrew Jackson was in office and on April 20, 1832.The first act of Congress signed to protect a natural resource. the act reserved four parcels of land with hot mineral springs in Arkansas Territory at Hot Springs. While Europe was eating away at all it usable resources such as coal and water the US had begun seeing that perhaps conservation and moderation would be best for the lifetime of a resource.
Samuel Morse 1840.jpg On January 6, 1838 Samuel Morse publicly demonstrated his invention the telegraph and developed the Morse Code system of communication. In time, his system of communication would be used all across the world, and this would improve Europe's economic standpoint by being able to communicate with factories and locomotives about shipped or incoming products.
John Constable's The Hay Wain strongly emits the Romantic idea of nature filled emotion. The scene is very open, simple, natural, very much like the country was at that time while urban cities developed. a farmer had his piece of land and worked to receive his shares from the final product. this painting merely portrays the total opposite of what Europe was becoming at this time with the First and Second Industrial Revolution.
Romatism can have many aspects, from darkness to light and simple nature and the way artist manipulated it to fit their emotions amazes me. In almost every time period, art and literature take  different force or theme but tit contuse to evolve no matter the political or economic problems the world might be in. It seems to be that with so many point of view such as socialism and liberalism one always seems to come up on top and spread through Europe like the plague. Two things that interested me very much was the art that was produced in this time period, the emotion behind each painting is breath taken. Each person can have a different interpretation of a piece and that is what makes art beautiful.One question that remains unanswered s why does France after it revolution return into a dictatorship. I would have thought that they were fighting for something they truly wanted yet they so carelessly gave it away.
Chapter 21 opens up discussing about the industrial revolution in Europe and how it improved the quality of living for many, but on the other hand it also created harsh working conditions for factory workers. Inventions were being created and textile and producing industries entered a successful market. Through this time period we see industrialization truly take flight and prosper which sets the stage for this blog. It all began with the increasing job openings in urban cities and escalated itself to full blown factories and multiple laws protecting each and everyone of its workers. The only question that remains is how did all of this begin? Well from what I have researched and learned about this chapter it was because of the "mood" Europe was in that set the tone for inventions and the curiosity behind natural world. from there they found out that they could make older machines more efficient by thinking the process through carefully and introducing small changes and technics that perfected the instruments in factories making the production more efficient and more profitable.

James Watt was the Scottish inventor who modified the Newcomen Steam engine. He studied mechanical steam engines and physics at the University of Glasgow, and when one came across his path to be fixed, he realized the engine could become much more efficient in its waste of energy emitted from the coal if a second condenser was inserted in the cycle. From that moment on, Europe realized that with coal, an other resources the amount of energy and power they could produce was unlimited.

Henry Cort was another important figure in this industrial revolution in Europe, he developed the puddling furnace which permitted pig iron to be refined in turn with coke. Not only did he invent heavy-duty steam-powered engines rolling mills, which finished iron pieces. all his inventions lead up to massive production which let to great success. with iron production and coke smelting, his invention transformed a resource who was once scares to one in abundance, supporting the economy greatly.

George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotive, named the Rocket. He also created the first inner city railways line originating from Liverpool to Manchester. This greatly reduce the price of shipping from one location to another. Thus, witch coverage growing, large companies took place making production greater and selling it throughout the country. This created more jobs, for unskilled laborers and poor peasants in need for a job to build railroads.

Back in the United States in 1815, instead of the newly invented locomotive, the horse powered railroads took action. During that time an American engineer named John Stevens permission to build a steam-powered railroad across the state. Unfortunately due to financial problems, he ended up building a circular track were his steam powered vehicle successfully.

Later on, in 1820's, the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company of Pennsylvania built a railroad. In 1829, the company ran an English-built locomotive, the Stourbridge Lion along the wooden track. Shortly after, it then became the first full-sized locomotive to run on a track in North America. Tracks were then installed and created across the country.

This Picture depicts the traditional urban setting in Europe. Factories became the main focus in cities. The emissions from the insides of building and from the production line were emitted out by the large funnels like chimneys. Housing near by the factories were available for the workers for fast and easy meals and sleep. It did not take much to get out of the urban area and fall into the country side.

Three things I have learned from this chapter, was without a doubt the multiple inventions and factory improvements that were done. Such as the stem engine, the locomotive, the spinning jenny and much more. Two things that interested me was how was the urban cities grew. Buildings were sampling rising from everywhere. Another pout would be how many jobs it offered and how fast they were able to fill those position because of the abundance of people willing to work. After all, I am still pulsed about how long it took before the word about these inventions got out to other countries. they had to steal or invent a similar model to urbanize every city in their country.