Sunday, February 16, 2014

Romatism and anti-Enlightenment ideas, that is what chapter 22 speaks about. After the Napoleonic wars Europe was in search of a balance of power, equal for all. Shortly after the ideas of libersim and nationalism came into play. French utopian then submerged with he idea of socialism, which a strong government would take over in the favor of the people and control all their well beings. The people soon started believing in romantism, a belief of emotional exuberance, unrestrained imagination, in both art and personal life. Why did society begin trying to identify and differentiate themselves as socialism was taken place? I believe that as the government was taking over, taking charge or their property and life, a rebellion of such sort, was to create something the government could not take, their imagination. The government could never take their minds.
 Louis Philippe, "the Citizen King", first promised to help the financial problems many poor urban workers were experiencing. Louis Philippe was Frances last King, until Louis napoleon is elected as president and turns into an emperor by the votes of the people, promising them unrealistic things. Louis Philippe's end of reign let tot he bloody June days. Revolts by the urban workers about their incomes was the source of the revolts.
Napoleón III, 1865.jpg Louis napoleon, as was mentioned above reigned after King Louis Philippe. Elected into office by direct popular vote after the June days, by the second republic, he was shortly trouble. he created the coup d'état after being declined for a second term. On his uncles coronation anniversary he too became emperor of France. He encouraged the French banking system and idea of savings and investments and financed railways to be built to modernized France.
Karl Marx 001.jpg Karl Marx, from Germany, united sociology, and economics. He argued that the middle classes interest and those of the working industrial class were practically opposites to each other, because of the idea that one class has always exploited another. He split the middle class into two, the Bourgeoisie and the Proletariat.  He published multiple books trying to spread his ideas such as The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital.
Andrew Jackson Daguerrotype-crop.jpg In the United States of America at this time, President Andrew Jackson was in office and on April 20, 1832.The first act of Congress signed to protect a natural resource. the act reserved four parcels of land with hot mineral springs in Arkansas Territory at Hot Springs. While Europe was eating away at all it usable resources such as coal and water the US had begun seeing that perhaps conservation and moderation would be best for the lifetime of a resource.
Samuel Morse 1840.jpg On January 6, 1838 Samuel Morse publicly demonstrated his invention the telegraph and developed the Morse Code system of communication. In time, his system of communication would be used all across the world, and this would improve Europe's economic standpoint by being able to communicate with factories and locomotives about shipped or incoming products.
John Constable's The Hay Wain strongly emits the Romantic idea of nature filled emotion. The scene is very open, simple, natural, very much like the country was at that time while urban cities developed. a farmer had his piece of land and worked to receive his shares from the final product. this painting merely portrays the total opposite of what Europe was becoming at this time with the First and Second Industrial Revolution.
Romatism can have many aspects, from darkness to light and simple nature and the way artist manipulated it to fit their emotions amazes me. In almost every time period, art and literature take  different force or theme but tit contuse to evolve no matter the political or economic problems the world might be in. It seems to be that with so many point of view such as socialism and liberalism one always seems to come up on top and spread through Europe like the plague. Two things that interested me very much was the art that was produced in this time period, the emotion behind each painting is breath taken. Each person can have a different interpretation of a piece and that is what makes art beautiful.One question that remains unanswered s why does France after it revolution return into a dictatorship. I would have thought that they were fighting for something they truly wanted yet they so carelessly gave it away.

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